Our fresh and gentle solution for cleaning plant leaves will leave your plants smiling.
- You won't be tempted to share wipes between plants - just spray leaves and use a clean paper towel for each plant.
- Safe to use in the home around kids, pets and birds. Great for outside plants too, and in the greenhouse.
- Removes hard water and fertilizer residue, dust, dirt, mildew, mold and restores natural luster.
- Removes residue build-up and promotes healthy surfaces for absorbing moisture and allowing leaves to breathe again.
- Use as part of a comprehensive pest control program along with our all-natural GET OFF ME! Leaf Cleaner.
- Wonderful clean fresh light citrus aroma - no neem oil.
- Made with 100% pure RO water, organic natural castile soap, and a pinch of citric acid for old fashioned careful gentle cleaning without chemicals.